• Biblioteca personale naturalistica
  • Biblioteca personale naturalistica
Biblioteca di Clarence Bicknell
  • John Wesley Judd, Volcanoes: what they are and what they teach. By John W. Judd, ...Second edition. ed. London: Kegan Paul & Co, 1881
  • Augustus H. Keane, Asia: with Ethnological Appendix Second edition.. ed. London: Edward Stanford, 1886

  • Charles Francis Keary, The Vikings in Western Christendom A.D. 789 to A.D. 888 ... With map and tables. London: Fisher Unwin, 1891
  • John Fitz-Stephen Keating, The Agap‚ and the Eucharist in the Early Church. Studies in the history of the Christian love-feasts. London: Methuen & Co, 1901
  • Ferdinand Keller, Pfahlbauten: siebenter bericht. Zrich: Verlag von Orell, Fssli & comp, 1876
  • Harry Wallis Kew, The dispersal of shells: an inquiry into the means of dispersal possessed by fresh-water and land mollusca / Harry Wallis Kew. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1893
  • Edward King, The Love and Wisdom of God: being a collection of sermons ... Edited by B. W. Randolph. London: Longmans & Co, 1910

  • John H. King, The Supernatural: its origin, nature and evolution. London: Williams and Norgate, 1892
  • William Forsell Kirby, Elementary text-book of Entomology ... With ... plates, etc. London: Sonnenschein & Co, 1885
  • Gustav Kobbè, How to understand Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung 6. ed. ed. London: Reeves, 1895

  • Jean de La Brète, Un vaincu. Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie, 1893

  • Stanley Lane-Poole (a cura di), Coins and medals: theyr place in history and art  3. ed. revised ed. London: Stock, 1894

  • Phebe Lankester, Wild Flowers worth notice: a selection of some of our native plants which are most attratctive from their beauty, uses, or associations. London: Allen and Co., 1879

  • Alberto Libri, F. A. Bonalumi, G. Cappi, Dal confine francese a Genova vol. 1. Sanremo: Tipografia Ligure, 1877

  • Feitel Lifschitz, Angelo Pernice, La Russia d'oggi. Milano: U. Hoepli, 1916

  • Pierre Loti, Reflets sur la sombre route 12. ed ed. Paris: Calmann Levy, 1899

  • John Lubbock, Prehistoric times: as illustrated by ancient remains and the manners and customs of modern savages 2. ed ed. London: Williams and Norgate, 1869

  • John Lubbock, Ants, bees , and wasps: a record of observations on the habits of the social hymenoptera. London: Kegan, Paul, Trench, 1882
  • John Lubbock, On buds and stipules. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co, 1899
  • John Lubbock, Prehistoric times: as illustrated by ancient remains and the manners and customs of modern savages 7. ed ed. London: Williams and Norgate, 1913

  • R. Lynch, The book of the iris / R. Irwin Lynch. London: John Lane; The Bodley Head, 1904
  • Hugh Macmillan, The Riviera 3. ed ed. London: Virtue, 1902

  • Fritz Mader, Escursioni e studi nelle Alpi Marittime. Torino: s.n., 1896
  • Fritz Mader, Il gruppo della cima Marguareis, RIvista mensile del Club Alpino Italiano, 15 (1896), n. 11, p. 471-483.

  • Fritz Mader, Die hochsten Teile der Seealpen und der Ligurischen Alpen in physiographischer Beziehung: Abhandlung zur Erlangung der Doktorwurde. Leipzig: G. Fock, 1897
  • Fritz Mader, Illustrierter Fuhrer durch die Franzosiche Riviera: Nizza, Cannes, Beaulieu, Monaco, Montecarlo, Menton und Sanremo nebst Spaziergangen und Ausflugen in den Meeralpen. Nizza: Gross, 1900
  • Maurice Maeterlinck, La vie des abeilles. Paris: E. Fasquelle, 1901
  • Maurice Maeterlinck, Le temple Enseveli. Paris: Besançon: Fasquelle; Charpentier, 1902

  • Antonio Magni, Nuove pietre cupelliformi nei dintorni di Como. Como: tipografia editrice Ostinelli, 1901
  • Baccio Emanuele Maineri, Ingaunia: note liguri. Roma: Forzani, 1884
  • Baccio Emanuele Maineri, Liguria occidentale, 1887-1893: gite, storia, ricordi. Roma: Stab. Tip. Giuseppe Civelli, 1894
  • Filippo Mariotti (a cura di), Il risorgimento d'Italia narrato dai principi di Casa Savoia e dal Parlamento: (1848-1878). Firenze: G. Barbèra, 1888

  • Albert Hastings Markham, The Great Frozen Sea. A personal narrative of the voyage of the "Alert" during the Arctic Expedition of 1875-6 6. ed. ed. London; Beccles: Kegan Paul & Co, 1884

  • Alessandro Martelli, Luigi Vaccarone, Guida delle Alpi occidentali. 1: Marittime e Cozie vol. 1. Torino: Cai, 1889

  • Alessandro Martelli, Luigi Vaccarone, Guida delle Alpi occidentali. 2.1: Graie e Pennine. Le valli di Lanzo e del Canavese vol. 2.1. Torino: Cai, 1889

  • Alessandro Martelli, Luigi Vaccarone, Guida delle Alpi occidentali. 2.2: Graie e Pennine. Le valli di Aosta, di Biella, della Sesia e dell'Ossola vol. 2.2. Torino: Cai, 1896

  • Giacomo Martini, Taggia ed i suoi dintorni. Oneglia: Ghilini, 1872
  • Charles Marvin, The region of the eternal fire New edition ed. London: Allen, 1891

  • Otis Tufton Mason, The Origins of Invention: a study of industry among primitive peoples, etc., 1895
  • Frank James Mathew, Ireland. Painted by Francis S. Walker, R.H.A. Described by F. Mathew. London: Adam & Charles Black, 1905
  • B. Mattiauda, Di alcuni errori gravissimi sulla storia e la lingua dei Liguri. Bertolotto: Savona, 1913
  • Giuseppe Mazzini, a cura di Luigi Ordõno De Rosales, Lettere inedite di Giuseppe Mazzini ed alcune de' suoi compagni d'esiglio. Torino: Fratelli Bocca, 1898

  • Catulle Mendès, L'homme orchestre 4. éd ed. Paris: Paul Ollendorff, 1896

  • Henri Métivier, Monaco et ses princes 2 voll. La Flèche: imprimerie et lithographie d'Eug. Jourdain, 1862

  • John Milne, Earthquakes and other earth movements. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co, 1886
  • John Murray Mitchell, James Ewing Somerville, Les iles de Lerins: the Iona of the South. London [etc.]: Hodder and Stoughton, 1913
  • Jules Moinaux, E. Cottin, Le monde ou l'on rit. Paris: Flammarion, 1895

  • Georges Montbard, Among the Moors: sketches of oriental life. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivingston, 1894

  • Oscar Montelius, The civilisation of Sweden in heathen times. London; New York: Macmillan, 1888

  • Henry Charles Moore, Omnibuses and Cabs. Their origin and history ... With thirty-one illustrations. London: Chapman & Hall, 1902
  • Nicolò Morelli, Età protostorica e neolitica, 1901

  • Morris, William, Socialism. Its Growth and Outcome. By W. Morris and E. B. Bax. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co, 1893
  • Angelo Mosso, The dawn of mediterranean civilisation. London; Leipsic: T. Fisher Unwin, 1910

  • Robert Munro, Palaeolithic man and terramara settlements in Europe: being the Munro lectures in anthropology and prehistoric. Edinburgh: London: Oliver and Boyd; Gurney and Jackson, 1912

  • Fridtjof Nansen, The first crossing of Greenland New ed ed. London: Longmans, Green and Co, 1892

  • Giovanni Amennone Oberziner, Le guerre di Augusto contro i popoli alpini. Roma: Loescher, 1900
  • Georges Ohnet, Nemrod & cie. Paris: Ollendorff, 1892
  • Georges Ohnet, Rois de Paris. Paris: Ollendorff, 1898
  • Georges Ohnet, Le crepuscule. Paris: Ollendorff, 1902
  • Eleanor Anne Ormerod, A manual of injurious insects: with methods of prevention and remedy for their attacks to food crops, forest trees, and fruit, and with short introduction to entomology 2. ed. ed. London: Simpkin, 1881

  • Ernest Albert Parkyn, An introduction to the study of prehistoric art. London [etc.]: Longmans, Green and Co, 1915
  • Francis Parry, The sacred Maya stone of Mexico and its symbolism. London: Dulau & co, 1893
  • Robert Edwin Peary, Northward over the "great ice" 2 voll. London: Methuen, 1898

  • Robert Edwin Peary, Nearest the Pole: a narrative of the Polar expedition of the Peary Arctic club in the S. S. Roosevelt, 1905-1906. London: Hutchinson, 1907
  • Thomas Eric Peet, The stone and bronze ages in Italy and Sicily. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1909
  • William Matthew Flinders Petrie, The pyramids and the temples of Gizeh New and rev. ed ed. London: Field & Tuer, 1885

  • William Matthew Flinders Petrie, Egyptian decorative art: a course of lectures delivered at the Royal Institution. London: Methuen, 1895
  • William Matthew Flinders Petrie, Religion and conscience in anciente Egypt: lectures delivered at University College London. London: Methuen & Co, 1898

  • William Matthew Flinders Petrie, Egyptian tales: translated from the papyri, first series 4. to 12. dynasty 2. ed. London: Methuen & Co, 1899

  • William Matthew Flinders Petrie, The arts & crafts of ancient Egypt 2. ed ed. London; Edinburgh: Foulis, 1910

  • William Matthew Flinders Petrie, The revolution of civilisation. London: New York: Harper & Brothers

  • Frank Podmore, Apparitions and thought-transference: an examination of the evidence for telepathy. London: Walter Scott, 1894
  • Frank Podmore, Modern spiritualism: a history and a criticism 2 voll. London: Methuen & Co, 1902

  • Lazare Raiberti, Guide de Saint-Martin-Lantosque, de ses environs et de ses montaignes: excursions d'un touriste. Nice: Gilletta, 1878

  • Robert Brown, Science for All. Edited by R. Brown ... Illustrated Cheap edition ed.5 voll. London: Cassell & Co, 1895

  • George John Romanes, Animal intelligence 4. ed. ed. London: Kegan Paul, 1882

  • George John Romanes, Darwin, and after Darwin: an exposition of the Darwinian theory and a discussion of post-darwinian questions 3 voll. London: Longmans, Green

  • Girolamo Rossi, Storia della città di Ventimiglia Ed. riveduta ed ampliata ed. Oneglia: Tip. Ghilini, 1886

  • Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac: comédie héroïque en cinq actes en vers: representée à Paris, sur le Theatre de la Porte Saint-Martin, le 28 decembre 1897. Paris: Librairie Charpentier et Fasquelle, 1898

  • Robert Routledge, Discoveries and inventions of the nineteenth century 11. ed. Revised and partly re-written, with additions ed. London: G. Routledge, 1896

  • F. W. Rudler, George Goudie Chisholm, Andrew C. Ramsay, Europe. London: E. Stanford, 1885
  • Frank G. Sanford, a cura di Arthur F. Phillips, The art crafts for beginners. London: Hutchinson & Co, 1906
  • Howard Saunders, An illustrated manual of british birds 2 voll. London: Gurney and Jackson, 1899

  • Dukinfield Henry Scott, Studies in fossil botany. London: Black, 1900
  • William Scott, Rock villages of the Riviera. London: Adam and Charles Black, 1898
  • Harry Govier Seeley, Dragons of the Air. An account of the extinct flying reptiles ... With eighty illustrations. London: Methuen & Co, 1901
  • Frederick Smith, The stone ages in North Britain and Ireland: illustrated by over five hundred drawings of typical specimens. London: Blackie & son, 1909
  • Emile Souvestre, Scènes et récits des Alpes: Le chasseur de chamois, La fillole des Allemagnes, L'hospice de Selisberg Nouvelle éd ed. Paris: Calmann Levy, 1884

  • Soyen Shaku, Sermons of a Buddhist abbot / by Soyen Shaku; translated from the Japanese ms by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Co, 1906

  • H. G. Spearing, The childhood of art or the ascent of man: a sketch of the vicissitudes of his upward struggle, based chiefly on the relics of his artistic work in prehistoric times. London: Kegan Paul: Trubner & co, 1912

  • Eduard Adolf Strasburger et al., Rambles on the Riviera. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1906
  • Subhadra Bhikshu, A Buddhist Catechism: an outline of the doctrine of the Buddha Gotama ... / comp. Subhadra Bhikshu. S.l.]: Redway, 1890
  • Otto Sverdrup, New Land: four years in the Arctic regions 2 voll. London: Longman, Green and co, 1904

  • Jean-Baptiste Toselli, Biographie niçoise ancienne et moderne ou dictionnaire historique: de tous les hommes quise sont fait remarquer par leurs actions, leurs écrits, leurs talents, leurs mérites et leurs erreurs dans la ville et le comté de Nice; suivie d’une table chronologique des mêmes pour suivre l’histoire, et ornée de portraits 2 voll. Nice: Imprimerie de la Société typographique, 1860

  • Jean-Baptiste Toselli, Nice depuis sa fondation jusq'en 1789. Nice: Typographie & Librairie Ch. Cauvin, 1867

  • Maria Trench (a cura di), The passion play at Ober-Ammergau with the whole drama translated into english, and the songs of the chorus in german and english. London: Allen and Co., 1890
  • George Tyrrell, External religion: its use and abuse 2. ed ed. London: Sands, 1906

  • George Tyrrell, Through Scylla and Charybdis or The old theology and the new. London [etc.]: Longmans, Green, and co, 1907
  • George Tyrrell, Medievalism: a reply to Cardinal Merciernew impression ed. London: Longmans, Green and Co, 1908
  • George Tyrrell, Christianity at the cross-roads. London: Longmans, Green and Co, 1909